Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Houses BOM 1 Complete

Forever Green Quilting has a great free block of the month up. It's called "Come on Over to My House." It's a series of houses with one house per month. I always admire people who are willing to freely share their patterns and ideas and this is a great example of that ethos. Joanna also shares photos from people who have completed each block and it lends a little bit of the "quilt-along" atmosphere. I really enjoy getting to see other people's take on the house and the fabric styles they chose.

I'm usually a bit leery of BOM clubs since I feel like it puts a deadline on my quilting and if there's one thing I don't need, it's stress from my de-stressing activity. But I spent about two hours busting this one out on Saturday. It's a great opportunity to use up some scraps from my overflowing scrap box.

This is a really cute series and I've always loved the "around the town" style of quilts. I've also heard them called "around the neighborhood" or "around the square." Here's a great example of one from Flickr by jbdigiuseppe. So I decided to give this BOM a shot with the hopes of generating quilt that has a similar layout to those. I also enjoy quilts that tell a story too. I'm thinking I'll change some of the blocks slightly to make some of the iconic buildings in a town: the courthouse, a barn, a school, etc. in addition to just houses.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Valerie,

    I LOVE the quilt that is pictured in the "example" link above. I'm so glad you're doing the BOM with us.

    Joanna, Forever Green Quilts
