You can just see the machine in the upper left corner of the tarp. Here's the picture from the craigslist ad:
It's a vintage Singer 31-15 industrial machine. I haven't pulled the serial number yet, but I suspect it's about 1930's or 40's vintage. It looks like it has a new(er) motor assembly. It was owned by the seller's mother and used for all her daily sewing. I think she's in ill health now and has had to move, so the seller just wanted it out of his basement. So my husband and I went down to take a look. It's in beautifully maintained condition and sews like a champ (once I rethreaded it). It's a bit grungy on the outside (mostly dust) and will need a good wipedown. My husband broke it down (love you honey!), we put everything in the back of the car, bungeed the trunk shut and took it home. Quite an adventure.
I really wanted it for free motion quilting. It goes full speed at about 1700-2200 stitches per minute. And it has a huge 11" throat space. And it's within my budget. Table and machine ran me $200. Since the whole setup weighs about 200 lbs (machine alone is 60 and the motor is about the same), it's about $1/lb. Cheaper than grapes at any rate.
This machine also takes standard long shank feet, making a darning foot for FMQ easy to find. It was also produced in such quantities that parts are easy to buy. It also uses a standard class 15 bobbin. So a very easy industrial to maintain.
I'm very excited to get it up and running soon. This is definitely my Whoop Whoop! for the week.